
At Saylor & Murphy Orthodontics, we base our practice on a foundation of respect. We treat our patients and their families as we would like to be treated. This means friendly service, the efficient use of your time, and treatment designed for maximum comfort. We keep all appointments on schedule, our reception area is relaxing, and we make sure to be as friendly on the phone as we are in person.

Custom Care

Dr. Saylor, Dr. Shah and Dr. Murphy work closely with patients to develop personalized care plans that suit their needs and will meet their treatment goals. At the end of each appointment, we provide patients and their families with an in-depth progress report and a thorough explanation of the next step in the process. This attention to detail ensures the best, most accurate care for everyone who trusts us with their dental health.

Keeping Patients Involved

Orthodontic care doesn't stop beyond our office's front door. We appreciate the importance of keeping our patients engaged in their ongoing treatment. Contests and incentive programs reward teens and children for keeping their teeth clean, using orthodontic appliances properly, and eating the right foods.

Flexible Hours

In addition to regular daytime hours, we are happy to schedule appointments before and after school or work for your convenience. We offer early morning appointments starting at 7:00am every Wednesday, and we remain open until 7:00pm every Monday. We also provide an emergency line that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all urgent needs.